Lack of Capacity
Our lawyers understand the many facets of challenging a Will.
Lack of Capacity
Thinking About Challenging A Will?
RHC Solicitors have extensive experience in wills and estates, including contesting or challenging a Will. Our Queensland lawyers are strongly connected to prominent estate professionals and barristers and understand the complexities and requirements when it comes to the grounds to challenge or contest a Will.
Lack of capacity is often used to challenge a Will and is based on a reasonable belief that a testator lacked the requisite mental capacity to execute a Will, often referred to as ‘testamentary capacity’.
There is no single legal definition of capacity and the legal definition depends in each case on the type of decision which is being made or the type of transaction that is involved. This means there are a variety of legal tests of capacity, some of which are contained in legislation such as the Guardianship Act and others which have been developed in common law (case law), such as the test for testamentary capacity.
These diverse tests regarding legal capacity mean that a client may have the capacity to make some decisions, such as being able to decide some financial transactions but otherwise being unable to make other types of decisions.
A finding of incapacity in relation to particular things or areas (such as health care needs) does not automatically mean that person’s capacity is lacking in another area (such as financial needs). This has really been highlighted by the Supreme Court, which has formerly found that a person incapable of managing their financial affairs may still be capable of making a Will.[1]
Despite the varying legal tests for capacity, the fundamental issue is whether the person can:
understand the facts involved in the decision-making and the main choices that may be available to them
weigh up the consequences of their choices and understand how the consequences affect them and their needs
effectively communicate their decision[2]
The formula for determining testamentary capacity is summarised well in the judgment of the Court (see Cockburn CJ, Blackburn, Mellor, and Hannen JJ) delivered by Sir Alexander Cockburn in Banks v Goodfellow 1870 LR 5 QB 549 at 565 as follows:
“It is essential to the exercise of such a power that a testator shall understand the nature of the act and its effects; shall understand the extent of the property of which he is disposing; shall be able to comprehend and appreciate the claims to which he ought to give effect; and, with a view to the latter object, that no disorder of the mind shall poison his affections, pervert his sense of right, or prevent the exercise of his natural faculties—that no insane delusion shall influence his will in disposing of his property and bring about a disposal of it which if the mind had been sound, would not have been made.”
Generally, where a person may have difficulty demonstrating these basic things, then it warrants further investigation. There are also general ‘red flags’ that point to the need for further investigation, but they are not exhaustive and should not be used as grounds for a definite diagnosis. These can include the testator:
memory loss
early or progressed onset of dementia
having difficulty with communication
having difficult calculating the nature of a specific gift
not being able to understand the extent of their assets
being regularly hospitalised or otherwise needing extensive care
giving instructions in an aged care facility or in the hospital
passing away within a short time prior to the making of the Will
being accompanied by family, and the family members helping them answer questions from a solicitor
being unable to repeat advice or otherwise being unable to recall information being provided
If a testator does not meet the varying limbs of the general test, it is likely that they did not have testamentary capacity to make a Will.
In order to challenge a Will on grounds of lack of testamentary capacity, the complainant will need to show the court that there is doubt that the deceased person had the required basic criteria.
In proceeding involving an argument over testamentary capacity, it is prudent to gather evidence to support their allegation, which often includes:
Obtaining a copy of a solicitors file, including file notes, statements and other records that may be held in relation to when the Will was drafted
Obtaining medical records
Obtaining witness statements
Obtaining anecdotal evidence such as statements from people who were involved in the health care of the testator or alternatively someone who observed their conduct at or around the time of drafting the Will
[1] Re Estate of Margaret Bellew [1992] NSW Supreme Court, Probate Division (Unreported) McLelland J, 13 August 1992.
[2] Jenna MacNab, “Capacity: A practical guide for lawyers” (2008),46 No.5 LSJ 68 at 71.
How RHC Solicitors Help
We have experienced will and estate lawyers across Queensland. We deal with complex estates and representation in the Supreme Court of Queensland every day and have handled thousands of challenges to a Will or otherwise contesting an estate.
We're affordable lawyers and often offer fixed fee quotes so that you know exactly what is ahead.