Hardworking Mediation Family Lawyers
Our experienced family law solicitors understand the complexities of relationship breakdowns, and are here to assist you to navigate through this complex and stressful period. Mediation is sometimes required before being able to proceed to court. It's also a method to avoid litigation.
At RHC Solicitors, we have developed a strong network of lawyers and mediators to assist in complex negotiations in an effort to reach settlement.
In some situations, such as prior to applying for parenting orders, you may be required to file a special certificate in order to proceed. This is part of the Court's compulsory family dispute resolution processes as set out in the Family Law Act 1975.
Some circumstances, however, do allow you to seek an exemption to the need to provide the certificate. For example:
your matter is urgent
there may be abuse or family violence
inability to practically participate (incapacity or locality)
if your matter relates to a contravention to any existing order made in the last 12 months.
As each situation is unique, our experienced lawyers will be able to give you the right advice, and ensure you are following the right processes.
In some cases, you may be eligible for judicial mediation. To find out more about this, click here.
If you need more information on mediation, we offer complimentary family law consultations to learn more about your unique situation and the best path forward.
We can also put you in contact with experienced mediators that we work with on a regular basis.
How RHC Solicitors Help
We have experienced family lawyers across Queensland. Whether it is children and/or property matters, many issues can arise that need special consideration by our practitioners.
We have helped thousands of families navigate stressful and complex situations. We're affordable lawyers and often offer fixed fee quotes so that you know exactly what is ahead.